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Student Transfers

Decorative - Graphic of arrows and connected dotted lines Hermiston strives to meet the needs of all of its students. However, we understand that parents and/or students may desire to attend another school or district. Intra-District (transfers between schools) and Inter-District (transferring into or out of Hermiston School District to/from an alternate district) will be considered on a case by case basis following the procedures outlined below and in adherence to the corresponding board policies.

Intra-District Transfers

  • For students who reside within the Hermiston School District boundary and wish to attend a school other than the one assigned to them based on current attendance zones.



  • Tier I Transfer Student/Request: Currently enrolled transfer student, with request made prior to May 15.
  • Tier II Transfer Student/Request: Current enrolled transfer student, with request made after May 15; student with a new transfer request; or incoming kindergarten student requesting a transfer



  1. All student transfer requests are conducted annually.
  2. Tier I students may reapply to their transfer school no later than May 15 requesting to re-enroll for the following school year using this form. This form is to be filled out and submitted to the school they wish to transfer to. If a Tier I request is made after the May 15 deadline, the transfer request will fall into a Tier II application status.
  3. Tier II applications may be made prior to, or after, May 15. Again, this form should be submitted to the school they wish to attend. All Tier II applications must be received prior to the end of the first full week in August to be considered for start-of-school year transfers.
  4. An administrative transfer review meeting will be held in August to consider all Tier I and Tier II transfer requests submitted for the upcoming school year.
  5. Prioritization: Transfers are awarded based on transfer tier status. Tier I requests receive priority consideration over Tier II requests. Criteria such as available space, building program capacity, and other extenuating circumstances will be used to determine priority. Lottery processes may be utilized to determine transfer awards, when more applications are submitted than can be accommodated.
  6. Following the August transfer meeting, parents/students will be notified by the building, which the student will attend, regarding the status of their transfer request, prior to the start of school.
  7. Within the first 10 instructional days, requests may be revoked if space and building program capacity require.
  8. For awarded transfers, it is understood that parents will provide a safe and appropriate method of transportation to the school. It shall not be the responsibility of the district to provide transportation.
  9. Students awarded a transfer will be expected to abide by the attending school’s code of conduct, attendance, and academic standards. Students who fail to meet expectations may have their transfer revoked, at any time, at the sole discretion of the attending school’s principal or designee. The decision to revoke the transfer is final and not subject to School Board review.

Transfer Forms

Forms may be picked up at any school, the District Office, or can be downloaded and completed digitally (below).

Inter-District Transfers

  • For students who reside outside of the Hermiston School District attendance area but wish to attend the Hermiston School District.
  • For students who reside inside the Hermiston School District attendance area but wish to attend a district other than Hermiston.
  • In the case of elementary and middle school requests, inter-district transfers into the district will be placed at the school with the most space available. Specific school requests are not guaranteed.
  • Approved high school inter-district transfer requests will take effect on the first of each semester.
  • The process must be renewed annually.


  1. Student and Parent/Guardian completes an “Inter-District Transfer Request” form from the resident district.
  1. For students requesting to transfer into Hermiston School District, the form must first be approved and signed by the appropriate official from the school district in which you currently reside.  (For students requesting to transfer out of the Hermiston School District, please present the form to the Superintendent’s Office for review and consideration for approval.)
  2. The completed form with authorization from the resident district is turned into the Hermiston School District Superintendent’s Office.
  3. (KG-8th Grade Request): Immediately following an August transfer meeting (if the request is made prior to the meeting and approved), the student will be placed in the least capacity elementary or middle school. If application is made after the August meeting, the request will be evaluated by the superintendent or his/her designee in consultation with the appropriate building principal.
  4. The superintendent or his/her designee approves or denies the request. If approved, parents are notified of the placement by the building principal.