
Hermiston School District strives to be the premier public school district in Oregon! One important avenue to achieving this vision is regular communication with our stakeholders and broader community.

HSD routinely disperses news releases to the local media and posts the same on this Web site under District News. If you represent a media outlet and would like to be current on district news, click the email link below and request to be added to the distribution list.

Hermiston School District is on the track to being premier, and without the support of the staff and greater Hermiston community, it would not be possible!

Our Services

  • Staff Communications
  • Media Communications
  • Parent Involvement Events
  • Community Outreach

Our Staff

Picture of Communications Officer Roger Pope
Maryanna Hardin
Communications Officer
Tel: 541-667-6010
Roger Pope
Graphics/Media Producer
Tel: 541-667-6070
Matthew Eckhardt Maria Duron
Matthew Eckhardt
Communications Assistant
Maria Duron
Family Engagement Specialist
Tel: 541-667-6036