Facilities Planning » Safety & Security

Safety & Security

Safety and security measures implemented throughout the District, along with areas of improvement, were thoughtfully addressed in an independent Security Assessment accomplished by the Hermiston Police Department. 


The district’s newest campuses, as well as district-wide safety measures that have been recently implemented (e.g. cameras, access control, some traffic segregation) provide improved measures to ensure student, staff, and visitor safety; however, there are opportunities for improvement within the areas of surveillance, accessibility, and territoriality.  The assessment commended the District within the area of surveillance through its deployment of cameras and other technologies to deter vandalism, theft, and other unwanted activity and recommended continued efforts in working with outside agencies to promote community-policing efforts.  In the area of accessibility, older campuses and modular buildings offer challenges in this arena and the security assessment recommended the District attempt to minimize these concerns.  Territoriality—strengthening a location with physical security measures to decrease the odds of victimization—looked at some suggestions the District could consider, to include security technologies and physical measures at campuses.